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Liberty Mutual Resumes Payment to Nurse with Lower Back Pain and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Cooper, Bender & Bender, P.C.
Cooper, Bender & Bender P.C. convinced Liberty Mutual to overturn its decision to cut off benefits to a nurse who was…
CIGNA Reverses Cutoff of Long Term Disability Benefits to Custodian with Fibromyalgia
Posted by Cooper, Bender & Bender, P.C.
Cooper, Bender & Bender P.C. convinced CIGNA to overturn its decision to cut off benefits to a custodian who had significant…
Machine Operator with Finger Injury Receives Workers Compensation Benefits
Posted by Cooper, Bender & Bender, P.C.
A machine operator smashed his finger at work. He tried to get the insurance company to pay him benefits, but…
Hotel Housekeeper with Ankle Injury Receives Attendant Care Benefits
Posted by Cooper, Bender & Bender, P.C.
A hotel housekeeper slipped on the ice while at work. She injured her foot and ankle. However, her workers compensation…
Office Manager with Lumbar Fusion Awarded Social Security Disability Benefits At Hearing
Posted by Cooper, Bender & Bender, P.C.
An office manager who had a lumbar fusion and could not work anymore was denied benefits by the Social Security…

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